10. Alexander Ovechkin (LW)
Let’s talk nonsense a moment. The chances of this happening are slim to none and would leave a lot of people scratching their heads, but the fact of the matter is the ‘Great 8’ could become a free agent in 2021. At the ripe old-age of 36, Alexander Ovechkin could still be a valuable asset to act as a mentor and power play specialist. His legs are already falling out beneath him, but that shot from the half-wall is all technique and forever lethal.
I imagine this signing would be similar to the Patrick Marleau scenario in Toronto. The Rangers roster could be predominantly Russian by this point and Ovechkin could act as a surrogate, track-suit wearing, отец figure. For those that don’t speak Russian, отец means father. Now, you can say you learned something today.
If Ovechkin comes within striking distance of Wayne Gretzky‘s goal-record, hasn’t hung up his skates just yet, the Capitals don’t want to bring him back and the price is right, the Rangers could find his talents useful.