The New York Rangers have provided us with many thrilling moments. At the same time, there have been some horrible moments in Rangers history. Here are the five worst.
Finding five moments in New York Rangers history that will go down as worst days ever wasn’t that easy. They highs have outnumbered the lows and for all of its faults, the franchise has been run pretty well for a number of years.
Some rules about what qualifies. Individual games do not count. We’ve had our share of disappointing moments in the playoffs and regular season, but those are games. Listing any of those overtime games to the Kings in 2014 or the seventh game of the 2015 Conference FInals would be easy. But what about all of those playoff losses to the Islanders in the eighties? That’s too simple.
It would be easy to include individual trades in this list, but we won’t. God knows, the Blueshirts have made their share of bad deals with the Rick Middleton trade to the Bruins for Ken Hodge the worst ever. However, if we included individual trades, that would take up most of the list
The same goes for draft picks. Selecting Hugh Jessiman or Dylan McIlrath or Pavel Brendl could easily qualify as horrible moments in Rangers history, but again, with their history, this list could be nothing but bad draft picks.
In order to qualify, it needs to be a moment in time that had long-term ramifications. It had to be a moment that gave you a sinking feeling when you read or heard about it. It had to be a moment that shook your faith in the organization.
Here goes.