In our last piece of forgotten New York Rangers, we discussed a handful of players with last names that start with E. Now, it’s time to move on to the F’s.
These players vary a bit when it comes to their overall skill levels, but at the end of the day, it’s rather clear that not many people remember them for being Rangers. In fact, in some cases, their tenures with Rangers may be the last team that fans think about with them.
These forgotten Blueshirts are a rather interesting bunch. Our first player is a former first-round pick who struggled to live up to the previous hype he had as a prospect. We then will move on to an NHLer who had a very strong career, but just did not last with the Rangers all that long. At this point, he is still very active in the sport as well. Following him is a longtime member of the New York Islanders who interestingly completed his career with the Rangers. Lastly, we will discuss a winger who the Rangers signed after his best days were behind him.