NHL referees owe Matt Rempe an apology

Lately, referees have delivered extremely horrendous and atrocious calls relating to Matt Rempe. Here is why the NHL referees owe the New York Rangers and Rempe an apology, as well as an in depth look at why the calls should never have been made in the first place.
New York Rangers v Minnesota Wild
New York Rangers v Minnesota Wild | David Berding/GettyImages
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NHL Referee Qualifications

To become an NHL referee, aspiring officials need to start bygaining experience in lower leagues, progressing through various levels and demonstrating proficiency in hockey rules and officiating techniques, ultimately culminating in NHL certification. And As per the 2023-24 rulebook (which referees supposedly study regularly) in the official NHL Media Guide, the following are the official rules league referees study in relation to the recent "penalties" given to Rempe.

Rule 56: Interference

56.1 Interference - A strict standard on acts of interference must be adhered to in all areas of the rink. Body Position: Body position shall be determined as the player skating in front of or beside his opponent, traveling in the same direction. A player who is behind an opponent, who does not have the puck, may not use his stick, body or free hand in order to restrain his opponent, but must skate in order to gain or reestablish his proper position in order to make a check.

A player is allowed the ice he is standing on (body position) and is not required to move in order to let an opponent proceed. A player may “block” the path of an opponent provided he is in front of his opponent and moving in the same direction. Moving laterally and without establishing body position, then making contact with the non-puck carrier is not permitted and will be penalized as interference. A player is always entitled to use his body position to lengthen an opponent’s path to the puck, provided his stick is not utilized (to make himself “bigger” and therefore considerably lengthening the distance his opponent must travel to get where he is going); his free hand is not used and he does not take advantage of his body position to deliver an otherwise illegal check.

Rule 69: Goalie Interference

Interference on the Goalkeeper - This rule is based on the premise that an attacking player’s position, whether inside or outside the crease, should not, by itself, determine whether a goal should be allowed or disallowed. In other words, goals scored while attacking players are standing in the crease may, in appropriate circumstances be allowed (refer to Rule 69.7 for example). Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgement of the Referee(s), but may be subject to a Coach’s Challenge (see Rule 38).

For purposes of this rule, “contact,” whether incidental or otherwise, shall mean any contact that is made between or among a goalkeeper and attacking player(s), whether by means of a stick or any part of the body.

The overriding rationale of this rule is that a goalkeeper should have the ability to move freely within his goal crease without being hindered by the actions of an attacking player. If an attacking player enters the goal crease and, by his actions, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.

If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.

69.2 Penalty - In all cases in which an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, whether or not the goalkeeper is inside or outside the goal crease, and whether or not a goal is scored, the attacking player will receive a penalty (minor or major, as the Referee deems appropriate). In all cases where the infraction being imposed is to the attacking player for hindering the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely in his goal crease, the penalty to be assessed is for goalkeeper interference.

In exercising his judgment, the Referee should give more significant consideration to the degree and nature of the contact with the goalkeeper than to the exact location of the goalkeeper at the time of the contact.

Where does Rempe go from here?

So it's clear Rempe is being targeted unfairly by officials who are penalizing him because of his size and/or reputation, considering his two lengthy suspensions — one last season, one earlier this season.

"I’m a polarizing figure, per se, with that stuff, and I guess that stuff happens. [I'm] just try[ing] to keep working on my game because I think it’s coming along nicely."

Angel Hernández was a Major League Baseball umpire who was forced into "early retirement" due to the fact that he missed calls constantly and was just overall wildly inaccurate. He was known for being controversial and hated by the entire league and its fans.

If this is how National Hockey League play calling keeps up, there is going to be a Hernández of the NHL. This would be terrible for the sport in all aspects — for the players, coaches and fans. Maybe the league should recognize their errors, address them publicly and find ways to ensure terrible calls don't happen like this in the future.
