The grand finale is here! Brace yourselves for the last chapter of our New York Rangers Report Card series, featuring coaching staff grades and the big boss, Chris Drury.
Hey there, fellow Blue Line station readers! It’s time to wrap up our 2022-23 season Report Card series. Buckle up because we’ve got a juicy session ahead – we’re diving into the coaching staff and the big kahuna himself, Chris Drury, the team President and GM. Yes, we’ve kept the best for last – prepare for some grade-giving fun!
Now, let’s take a little trip down memory lane. Over the past week, we’ve been dishing out grades like a gourmet buffet – centers, left-wingers, right-wingers, left-defensemen, right-defensemen, and even those goalies who love to stand on their heads.
It’s been a grading marathon, but we’re doing it all for you amazing readers and passionate Rangers fans.
We hope you’ve savored every word we’ve put down just as much as we’ve relished crafting it. Oh, and before we get rolling, those letters in parentheses next to the grades? Yep, those are from our midseason report cards.
So, grab your pencils, your scorecards, and your best “serious evaluator” faces because we’re about to give the coaching staff and Mr. Drury himself the third degree. Or should I say, “Third period?” After all, we’re talking hockey here! Let’s get ready to bring down the curtain on this series with a bang!